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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.

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Surnames Index

ID First Name Last Name Death
IR1295 Jocelyn Stuart Dick
EN22025spouse1 Katherine Dick
SH1295spouse1 Lucy Ann Dick
US4456spouse1 Pearl Dick
IR1296 Robynann Dick
US5891spouse1 Tracey Dick
IR1294 Warren Arthur Dick
EN20978spouse1 William Dicken Mar 1784
EN9829cspouse1 Adam C. Dickens
EN11599 Archie Dickens
EN11595spouse2 Barnaby John Dickens
US8074spouse2 Dianna Dickens
IR6459 Lynn Catherine Dickens
EN11598 Marianna Dickens
IR6457 Mark Lester Dickens
IR6443bspouse1 Robin Blakeway Dickens 14 Aug 2015
IR6457a Talitha Rose Eppele Dickens
IR6458 Yaqub Rhys Eppele Dickens
US20390a Aryianna Marie Dickensheets
OT8699 Bonnie Dickensheets
US6938bspouse3 John Ernest Dickensheets
US20390 Matthew John Dickensheets
US20391 Matthew John Dickensheets
EN306 Henry Louis Keate Dickenson 1820
US19604spouse1 Jessie Agnes Dickenson Sep 1985
US15168spouse2 Valerie E. Dicker
EN13293 Oliver Simon Dicketts Dicketts 2 Sep 2006
EN13292spouse1 Robert A. I. Dicketts
US10267aspouse1 George Leas Dickey 22 Aug 1926
LM437spouse1 Gladys Lovenia Dickey 9 May 1999

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