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The Hungerford Family Foundation, Inc. (THFFI) is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) public charity under the United States Tax Code. THFFI is trying to connect all living Hungerfords (especially those who are descended from Hungerfords but do not have the Hungerford surname) to their Hungerford ancestors.

Members enjoy full access to our extensive database of tens of thousands of Hungerford and associated family surnames (growing as births and obituaries are recorded), photographs, manuscripts and other information related to our Hungerford heritage. Members also have access to a database listing the medical conditions contributing to the deaths of our ancestors. Our expectation is that the development of a large pool of medical data will disclose patterns suggesting medical risks that could inform our understanding of our own health issues at sufficiently early stages that treatment intervention can improve the quality of our lives, not to mention the longevity of our presence on this earth. And membership confers the right to apply for scholarships funded by the Foundation.

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Creation of The Hungerford Family Foundation, Inc. (THFFI or the Foundation) was established in late 2014 by Richard W. Hungerford, Jr., Andre J. "A. J." Hungerford and Charles C. Morgan (the Founders and Initial Board of Trustees).
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The Foundation's Mission is to help our members discover their Hungerford ancestry. The Foundation's Vision is to assemble the world's largest database of information and acquire the Orville Hungerford home to house an all-encompassing collection of materials (vital records, bibles, manuscripts, etc.) pertaining to the Hungerford and associated family surnames.
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The Foundation is governed in accordance with the terms of its Articles of Incorporation and By Laws, applicable laws of the State of Florida, and applicable United States tax rules. The books and records of the Foundation are kept in Florida and are open to inspection by interested parties.
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The Hungerford Home

The Orville Hungerford Home is located in Watertown, New York, USA. The home has been renovated recently as can be seen in these photos. The Foundation aspires to purchase the home. Two of our Members, Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. and Andre J. "A.J." Hungerford, have spoken with the owners who have expressed an interest in selling the home sometime in the next year or two.
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