Welcome to The Hungerford Family Foundation, Inc. (THFFI), the home of the Hungerford World Tree comprising more than one hundred thousand (100,000) individuals who lived (or are living) throughout the world including England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Go to the Surnames Index for a complete list of all surnames in the site, where each surname is linked to a list of all individual persons in the Surnames Database with that surname, each of which is linked to that person's individual profile. Go to Site Statistics for a list showing the exact number of Hungerford descendants, companies, etc. in this site.
The Hungerford World Tree is registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies as a one-name study for the Hungerford surname, including their variants (a variation in the spelling such as Hungerville and Hungiville) as well as deviants (mistranscribed or written down incorrectly).
As a Member, you will be able to add people to, and edit information in, our Hungerford World Tree. If you are not a member, we have made it easy and inexpensive to join, so consider registering as a Member today.
Do you purchase items on Amazon.com? If so, use this link and make it easy to have Amazon make a donation to THFFI in your name: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-2556611
In addition to the resources available to you on this site, you may want to visit three other websistes:
- The Wiltshire Museum which has an Archive related to the Hungerford Family.
- The Hungerford and Associated Families Society website for more Hungerford-related resources devoted primarily to Hungerfords in Australia.
- The Hungerford Virtual Museum for stories behind the people, places, and events of the Hungerford, England area.

Our database is the largest single source of information about Hungerford and associated family surnames to be found anywhere in the world. Search it for your name and those of your ancestors. Add missing names, edit their profiles, and add photos. Follow the links back to your earliest Hungerford ancestors.

Your contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible under United States tax law. We have ambitious plans to become a world-class genealogical institution with facilities and a paid staff devoted solely to researching Hungerford and associated family surnames. We cannot achieve those objectives without your help.
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The Foundation endeavors to provide scholarships to deserving students who either hold individual memberships or are members of a family that has a family membership. Scholarships are awarded once each year and generally will be announced around June 1. The application process is rigorous, so start early.
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