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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.

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Surnames Index

ID First Name Last Name Death
CMP88 C. A. Hungerford & Son
CMP81 C. Hungerford & Co.
IR3315spouse1 Peta Caban
EN7127 Hugh Cabbell Manners
EN7125a Jessica Cabbell Manners
EN7120 Richard Neville Cabbell Manners 17 Mar 2009
EN7126 Rupert Cabbell Manners
EN28561 Anthony Leigh Cable
EN24376spouse1 Dawn Weston Cable
SH663aspouse1 Frank Taylor Cable
SH454spouse2 Lottie P. Cable 14 Nov 1890
EN22932spouse1 Pauline Mary Cable 7 Mar 2015
UNUS4087spouse1 Penny Cable
OT5975 Phyllis Elizabeth Cable 15 May 2013
EN24376a Iris Dawn Cable-Buller 1992
EN11576spouse1 Clarissa Sabina Caccia
EN19695spouse1 Virginia Rose Caccia-Birch
OT7607 Margaret R. Cadarr
EN8360spouse1 Eleanor Cadbury
EN8627spouse1 Jemima Clare B. Cadbury
UNEN1397 Emily Caddick Dec 1881
UNEN1395 Henry David Caddick
UNEN1387 Jane Caddick Jan 1958
UNEN522aspouse1 John Caddick
UNEN1386 John Caddick Oct 1927
UNEN1396 Louisa Caddick Dec 1881
UNEN1395a Maud Beatrice Caddick 20 Jan 1961
UNEN1379 Rosina Emily Caddick 8 Oct 1936
UNEN1378 Sarah Ann Emily Caddick Aft Jun 1937
US15893spouse1 Bob Caddy

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