Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.
Add New IndividualsID | First Name | Last Name | Death |
EN22576spouse1 | Sirkkubay | y nen | |
US9327 | Alexander | Yager | |
US7793spouse1 | Alice Jane | Yager | 28 Aug 2004 |
US15252 | Allen | Yager | |
US9326 | Andrew | Yager | |
US9322 | Betty | Yager | BEF 21 Jan 2015 |
US15253 | Clifford | Yager | |
US389espouse2 | Clifford E. | Yager | |
US9319 | Cllfford E. | Yager | 4 May 2018 |
US9324 | Darrell | Yager | |
US388spouse1 | Florence | Yager | 21 Aug 1941 |
US9320 | Francis D. | Yager | |
US3669aspouse1 | George L. | Yager | |
US9323 | James E. | Yager | 21 Jan 2015 |
US9319a | Linda | Yager | |
US15254 | Randy | Yager | |
US9325 | Robert | Yager | |
US15255 | Timothy | Yager | |
US9321 | Wayne A. | Yager | |
US16948aspouse1 | Joseph | Yaggie | |
US19467spouse1 | Sonia Michelle | Yancey | |
IR4402 | Denise Patricia | Yandell | |
IR4401b | Hayley Janet | Yandell | |
IR4401a | Kate Michelle | Yandell | |
IR4401 | Kevin Vincent | Yandell | |
IR4397 | Susan Mary | Yandell | |
IR1596cspouse1 | Vivian Vincent Edward | Yandell | 25 Nov 2018 |
IR4405 | Vivien Lesley | Yandell | |
UNIR504spouse1 | Unknown | Yant | |
EN28330spouse1 | Andrew | Yap |
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