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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.

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Surnames Index

ID First Name Last Name Death
UNEN1234c Ida E. Powell
IR5046 Imogen Mary Powell
US17802spouse1 Inez Powell 7 Apr 1981
IR6449 Janet Elisita Powell
EN22589 Jemima Anne Powell
US7491 Jeremy Powell
EN8315spouse2 Jill Elizabeth Powell
EN645spouse1 John Powell
IR6452 John Denis Trench Powell
UNEN1233 John Hungerford Powell 7 Oct 1929
EN14133 John Marmion Anthony Powell
EN23963bspouse1 John Michael Sweetman Powell 8 Mar 1907
UNUS963 Joyce Powell
UNUS3072 Julia Powell
SH358aspouse1 Lewis Powell
UNUS956aspouse1 Lewis Powell
IR6763 Lionel John Powell
EN22592 Louis Edmund Powell
EN20425spouse1 Louise Cecilia Midleton Powell
IR6444 Margaret Leonore Powell
IR6758a Marjorie Dorothy Powell
UNEN340spouse1 Mary B. A. Powell
IR6767 Michael Dacre Powell
US2356 Minnie A. Powell
UNUS3742spouse3 Mona Powell
EN6354bspouse1 Nigel M. Powell
EN6362 Olivia Rose Powell
UNUS966 Oscar Powell
EN6361 Poppy Clare Powell
IR6759 Raymond Ashley Powell

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