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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.

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Surnames Index

ID First Name Last Name Death
EN1216 Richard Yates
EN22555bspouse1 Robin Yates
EN1206 Samuel Yates 1 Apr 1778
EN1209e Sarah Yates
EN2984spouse1 Sarah Yates
EN9253 Stephen Mervyn Gerald Yates
EN9255 Susan Geraldine Margaret Yates
EN1193 Thomas Yates 1658
EN1197 Thomas Yates
EN1195 Unknown Yates
EN1214 Warner Yates 4 Jul 1808
EN1198 William Yates
EN1210 William Yates 1812
EN1215 William Yates
VA29spouse1 Mary Yauhzy
SH264dspouse1 William B. Yaw BEF 1 May 1916
US7260 Mary Kay Yeager
US4912spouse1 William Edward Yeager 22 Jan 2007
OT8063 Henry L. Yeagle
EN5030 Jonathan Manners Yearsley
EN5029aspouse1 Norman Yearsley
US3749spouse Yearwood
US3755 Doris Yearwood
EN2335aspouse1 Troy Yeates
EN22189spouse2 Sarah Kate Yeats-Brown
EN1659spouse1 Benjamin Thomas Yeend 8 Mar 1880
EN1660 James Benjamin Yeend 18 Jun 1947
IR4026 James William Yelland
IR4025 Kate Louise Yelland
IR3153aspouse1 Roger Laurence Yelland

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