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The Orville Hungerford Home is located in Watertown, New York, USA. The home has been renovated recently as can be seen in these photos.

The Foundation aspires to purchase the home. Two of our Members, Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. and Andre J. "A.J." Hungerford, have spoken with the owners who have expressed an interest in selling the home sometime in the next year or two.

Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. has acquired numerous Hungerford-related materials over the years, including bibles, photographs, and manuscripts among other items. The home would be the perfect repository for all of that material so that it can be preserved for the future use of Hungerford descendents in perpetuity. It would be a shame for all of the materials that he has collected to be either destroyed or scattered when and if those items become part of his estate that would then have to be settled.

While it is truly ambitious, it would be marvelous if the Foundation were to accumulate the resources needed to establish a world-class research facility into Hungerford-related matters as well as hire a staff to oversee the facility (perhaps even being able to hire a trained genealogist to specialize in Hungerford research).

The home's renovated bedrooms could be a place for Hungerford descendants to stay while visiting the home to do research into their Hungerford forebears. Rental of those rooms in Bed & Breakfast style could be a source of revenues for the Foundation as well as providing a convenient place for Hungerford descendants to stay.

The photographs below give some sense of this beautiful home. Photos courtesy of A. J. Hungerford.

Front of the home

Back of the home

The kitchen


The basement

Another view of the basement


A window

The attic bedroom

Front door

Rear staircase

Basement fireplace

Light fixture

Door hinge