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Richard W. Hungerford, Jr. initiated the THFFI database of Hungerfords dating back to the 1200s and their descendants down to and including living persons regardless of surname, as well as a large collection of photographs, bibles, manuscripts and other materials that he has contributed to the Foundation over time. Click here for the Background behind development of the database as well as an explanation of its features, particularly with respect to the rationale for, and meaning of, the reference numbers (REFNs) assigned to each person in the database.

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Surnames Index

ID First Name Last Name Death
US4658spouse1 Helen Wright Meagher
SH1232spouse1 Ruth Jean Meaker 13 Mar 2014
US9549 Inez Larue Meal
SH684aspouse1 Otto W. Meal 28 Sep 1960
US9548 Thelma Jean Meal
US10295spouse1 Bob G. Meals
IR62spouse1 Mary Boone Meany 8 Feb 1924
IR6770bspouse1 Henry John Meares
US605 Brainerd Mears
US7266 Cella Mears
IR3318spouse1 Cheryl Mears
US4751 Eleanor Fay Mears
US4750 Esther Evangeline Mears
US4651spouse1 George Adelbert Mears
US606 Harris David Mears
IR2706spouse1 Joan Mavis Mears 2004
US469aspouse1 Leverett Mears
US607 Leverett Burnham Mears
US5537spouse2 Paula Jeanine Mears
US7265spouse1 Ron Mears
US604 Ruth Bartlett Mears
US4752 Simon Peter Mears
EN9086b Agnes Charlotte Gertrude Meath Baker
EN9086a Baodicea Louisa Ann Meath Baker
EN24436 Bonamy William Tertius Meath Baker
EN9086c Constance Daffodil Bohemia Meath Baker
EN9086d Dorothea Julia Cecilia Meath Baker
EN24437 Elmo Justin James Meath Baker
EN24438 Francis Titian Theophilus Meath Baker
EN9091 Hannibal Eustace Pilate Meath Baker

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