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This document constitutes the License granted by the Massachusetts Historical Society to The Hungerford Family Foundation, Inc. pertaining to the Lee family papers, Thomas Hungerford to Anne Lee, 2 November 1657. P-345, Reel 1, from the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Under date of June 17, 2016, The Massachusetts Historical Society granted Richard Hungerford non-exclusive rights under its standard Website license, as described in the Massachusetts Historical Society Licensing Terms that have been placed here in the Library, to reproduce the provided image of the item cited above in The Hungerford Family Foundation, Inc. (www.thffi.org). (See also those Licensing Terms on the Massachusetts Historical Society website.)

Permission for use of the image applies to this instance of the work only. For any additional uses, including future editions of this work, permission must be obtained in writing from the Massachusetts Historical Society. Additional permissions may result in additional usage fees.

The Massachusetts Historical Society cover email to Richard Hungerford advising him that THFFI had been granted the License has also been placed here in the Library.

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