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A deed has come to light involving James Smithson (EN307)'s mother Elizabeth Hungerford Keate (EN303) and her sister Henrietta Maria Keate (EN302). The Smithsonian Institute discusses the behind-the-scenes legal struggle articulated in the deed that you can read here and the documents accompanying the deed.

On the internet it comes in three components. The Smithsonian Institute's website introduces it and the intro is located at https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/new-analysis-reveals-more-details-smithsonian-founders-family-squabble-180978393/ accessed 20 May 2022.

The scanned deed is here: https://siarchives.si.edu/history/tale-two-sisters/deed accessed 20 May 2022.

The last section discusses the various interest groups and offers a glossary amongst other things. It is found: https://siarchives.si.edu/history/tale-two-sisters accessed 20 May 2022.

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Submitted by Richard Hungerford at 6:05 PM on August 11, 2021.

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