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This is a fifteen (15) page document containing much information about the Hungerford Arms, including schematics and photographs. The document has no title per se.

The cover page contains the following:

Project Ref: 4294
Hungerford Arms, Farleigh Hungerford
Planning, Design and Access Statement
November 2020

The Introduction on page 3 provides:

"This Planning, Design and Access Statement has been prepared by BBA Architects and Planners (BBA) in support of a Planning and Listed Building Consent application in relation to the Hungerford Arms, Farleigh Hungerford.

"This statement provides a description of the site, which is to be read in conjunction with the submitted Heritage Statement, and provides a planning and design assessment of the scheme. The design is assessed under the following standard design and access statement headings:

* Use
* Scale and amount
* Layout and landscape
* Appearance
* Access"

The firm that prepared the document is:

BBA Architects Ltd
The Studio
Darlington Wharf
t. 01225 460427
w. bba-architects.co.uk
e. mail@bba-architects.co.uk

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