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This is a one page, single spaced, typewritten letter dated 3 November 1975 from Alice Kauzlarich to Stanley W. Hungerford. The letter is accompanied by a two page, hand written list of names and dates.

The cover letter mentions her husband Marty and their two daughters Laura and Amy as well as Floe Pearson, Gwen Bjorkman, Claude and William Green.

Notes: The Floe Pearson mentioned in this letter might be Flo F. (Hungerford) Pearson. The Gwen Byorkman mentioned in this letter might be Gwen Boyer Bjorkman gwenbj@seanet.com. See, for example, the notes in the profile of Albert Beeman.

The supplement lists the families of Clinton Hungerford and Melinda Evans and their son Charles Emerson Hungerford who married Cynthia Marinda McKown

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