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This is a single page, hand written letter dated 27 May 1975 from Ethelbert Arthur Hungerford, Jr. to Stanley W. Hungerford.

While it shows the line of descent from John Hungerford, father of Amasa Hungerford, he devotes most of the letter to his immediate family and descendants. Importantly, he states that his "line ends with me - unless my blood brother - adopted by my own mother's cousins (Cowles) changes his name back to Hungerford. His son David is determined to do this anyhow so name will go on if he marries & has male progeny."

He mentions his sister Mary Jane Lawrence with three children, Ken, Bob, Lois.

He also mentions his brother Melvin Legrand Cowles with three children, Mary Jane, David & Catherine.

He provides dates and names for his parents, as well.

This letter was supplemented by another letter in July, 1975 responding to Stanley W. Hungerford's requests for additional information.

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