This document is a copy of Nicolas, Sir Harris, K.H., History of the Battle of Agincourt, and of the Expedition of Henry The Fifth Into France In 1415; to Which is Added, The Roll of the Men at Arms, in the English Army, Third Edition (London, 1833).
This book contains the following passage at page 28 pertaining to Walter, Lord Hungerford (EN8):
“Amongst other speeches which 1 noticed, was this, a certain Lord, Walter Hungerford, Knight, was regretting in the King’s presence, that he had not, in addition to the small retinue which he had there, ten thousand of the best English archers, who would be desirous of being with him. When the King said, ‘thou speakes foolishly, for by the God of heaven, on whose grace I have relied, and in whom I have a firm hope of victory, I would not, even if I could, increase my number by one; for those whom I have are the people of God, whom he thinks me worthy to have at this time.”