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A portion of the letter written by Morgan B. Hungerford (US2395) contains the following: It seems a long time since I saw you. I shall never forget your love and faithfulness to Antoinette, and now your being away, and Brother Lewis and wife and two children living in Chicago, and Mrs. O. P. Frary who was so prized as a tried friend being now in San Diego, California, I feel keenly my loneliness; but I am striving by God's help and sustaining grace, to imitate Antoinette's example in her last sickness, by not murmuring or complaining. While we have our senses I think we shall never forget the last half hour with her and among her last words I shall ever prize her saying "I guess I had better let well enough alone." During my threshing I overworked and for about three weeks I was able to do comparatively no work. So I spent a week of the time with Bro. Lewis in Chicago and there and at Evanston near met some prized friends I knew in New York most Forty years ago. I also witnessed the unveiling of Gen. Grant's monument & came home feeling quite well. My farm work has been driving me this fall getting out manure, making corn cribs, laying over fences etc. has kept me so busy that my husking is behind, tomorrow if pleasant I will haul the first of my corn, I hope to get through so as to make you a visit before holidays. I hear from Cora and Mary Ann, and I saw Arthur at a civil service examination at the Capital and how did he come out? I was sorry I forgot to say to him to come and take dinner with me. I ever want him and George and yourselves to feel that you are welcome to my home wherever it may be. Jerome and Betsey Randolph made us a visit last week and staid over night in the city. I was glad to visit with them, they would not mind trading their farm for property in the city should they find anything satisfactory. Sister Lucy has been under the doctors care, until lately she is better and now rides out some, she wanted me to board with her, but I find it more convenient to stop with Carrie as Antoinette wished me. Enclosed find a Memoriam of Antoinette by Mrs. Hall. I have also some resolution sent me, passed by the Ladies Aid Society--which I may copy (as they are short) in my next letter to you. I trust at no distant day you or George will send me a letter. I have sold most of the household goods except some of the best, with which my room is furnished here at Carries. I have a cash offer of $4000 for the house but hold it at $5000. The piano is here at Smiths. I may rent in the Spring if I do not sell. Regards to James & family also to Mary Ann. Enclosed with the letter is a transcription of a memorial speech about his late wife.

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