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This is a four page, hand written letter dated 10 May 1975 from Mrs. Otis Hungerford (Maude Amelia Kautz) to Stanley W. Hungerford. The letter is accompanied by:

(1) a one page, hand written lineage beginning with Edmund Hungerford and extending down to Melanie Gay Little (the youngest person in the lineage, born November 25, 1966),

(2) a photograph of freshman Jay Hungerford playing a piano in a marching band, and

(3) a segment of a page from the Terre Haute Tribune

The letter provides many names, dates, and places as well as much biographical information about several of those people. Some of those names are: Orlen Otis Hungerford, Naoda Dee Hungerford, Galen Arthur Little, Charles Emerson Hungerford, William Green Hungerford, Clarissa Griffith, Cynthia Marinda McKowen, and Melinda Evans.

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