This is a one page, single spaced, typewritten letter dated 6 May 1975 from Elsie G. (Turner) Hungerford to Stanley W. Hungerford, on the back of which there is a list of names and dates as well as biographical information pertaining to the family of Harry Haydn Hungerford.
This letter contains much valuable information for anyone interested in this family. She mentions her three children: Harry Haydn, Jr., Farleigh who married Dr. John Charles Rozier, Jr., and Dorothy Ann who had "TV and Documentary interests in Washington, D.C."
Of particular interest, she mentions Helen Churchill Candee who she states was "a writer for National Geographic, and author of the book 'Tapestries' also a survivor of the Titanic."
Another interesting comment is this: "When Farleigh's engagement was announced in N.Y. Times I had a letter from Becher Hungerford, Glen Head Brookville, Long Island, New York, who had a daughter Farleigh - and did not know of us. He enclosed 3 pages of the Landed Gentry of Ireland - Hungerford coat of arms, also."