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This document is a copy of the Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 10 Henry III to 16 Henry III, A.D. 1225-1232. It was printed under the superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records and published by authority of his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department by Mackie and Co. Ltd. (1903).

The document contains 1 reference to William de Hungerford, Abbot of Cerne.

It also contains several references to Hungerford as follows:

Page 475:

June 1232
De protection. - Rex omnibus ballivis et fidelibus suis etc. salutem. Sciatis nos suscepisse in defensionem et protectionem nostram domum et fratres hospitalis Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Hungerford et terras, res, redditus et pssessiones eorum. ***

Page 492:

March 1232
De protection. - Prior hospitalis de Hungerford habet literas de protectione paentes sine termino, cum clausula: - "Rogamus" etc.

Page 507

January 1232
De protection. - Idem Ricardus habet literas de protectione patentes sine termino.
Sorores leprose Sancti Laurencii de Hungerford habent literas de protectione patentes sine termino, cum clausula: - "Rogamus," etc. Teste ut supra.

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