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H(enry) Longley sent the following letter to John Hungerford Arkwright:

Dear John.

I think we can't well answer your ______ question until we see the accounts w(hic)h have not yet turned up.  When they do, I will write again.

I think that if you were to ask for an ______, we sh(oul)d say that a man who is in the asylum, & remains permanently there, becomes incapable of performing this necessary condition of residence in your Hospital, a maybe removed from his place as a Pensioner.  This would get rid of the difficulty.  The Pensions are intended to keep men in the Hospital, not to enable them to live elsewhere.

I hope __________ is doin you good.  Di tried very hard to be allowed to join you there, but has been ordered to Harrogate.

Affe(ctionately) y(our)s

H. L.

A personal note to himself is on the back.  It says:

H. Longley

Case Johnson
Age 90

See the website THE CHARITY COMMISSION. (Hansard, 23 April 1895) for some background.

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Submitted by Richard Hungerford at 5:53 PM on December 16, 2024.

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