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David Evan Evans (IR3865) posted on November 11, 2018 on the THFFI Facebook site artwork by Cyril Hungerford (IR776).

He states in his submission: An artistic contribution #1 from my section of Hungerford family I would like to share (Genealogical definitions of the Hungerford Family Australia and NZ Society): Three paintings (1898-1901) of "uncle" Cyril Hungerford (b. 5-4-1873, d. 16-6-1950, 5HAFS: E2.2a.1b) They were given to his sister Muriel Burton Bradley (nee Hungerford, HAFS: E2.2a.5b, b. 24-6-1879, d. 21-10-1966), then give to her daughter Constance Muriel ‘Con’ Evans (nee Burton-Bradley, HAFS: E2.2a.5b.2c). Cyril took classes at Julian Ashton's art school in the Rocks Sydney around Federation. Cyril later became an accountant and partner with Hungerford, Spooner and Co Chartered Accountants in Sydney.

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Submitted by Richard Hungerford at 11:17 AM on February 24, 2019.

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