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Orville Hungerford (SH90) requests the Governor allow the re-appointment of a Mr. Adams and nephew Orville Velora Brainard (US1872) to the position of Notary Public. Orville mentions he has taken notice of the efforts in the lower house in Albany regarding funding poor houses and supports their efforts.


Watertown April 9, 1831


I will thank you to hand the annexed Petition to His Excellency – as there is no business for a notary aside from our Bank we have not supposed it necessary to procure other signatures to the petition

I notice a report in the Lower House in favor of erecting a Hospital for the Insane Poor. From the connexion I have had with our Poorhouse since its erection, I have witnessed with deep regret the sad condition our Insane poor are in and must remain so, until the State shall do something for their relief.

The subject cannot be too strongly urged.

I am Sir very Respectfully Yours,

O. Hungerford

Hon. N. S. Benton

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